By trade I am an Insurance Adjuster. This is what led me into the aerial inspection space. I generally handle Residential and Commercial Property by means of physical and aerial inspections. I can handle all manner of inspection services from power and infrastructure, property, real estate and building inspections. I am FAA certified with current part 107 ratings, and also a sworn MO notary if ever needed. I have 19 years of damage appraisal and inspection experience. Please reach out if I can be of service.
This pilot has not uploaded any videos into their portfolio yet.
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Amy B.
5.0 (17)   47 jobs posted


June 18, 2024
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Braden S.
5.0 (23)   44 jobs posted


Great photos and great write-up. I hope to do more work with you in the future

Dec. 19, 2022
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Apke L.
4.9 (52)   109 jobs posted


Another perfect project completed. Alex's attention to detail is fabulous. He follows are shot list and delivers very quality images.

Dec. 2, 2022
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Apke L.
4.9 (52)   109 jobs posted


Very pleased with Alex's work. Followed our shot list request perfectly. Highly recommend.

Nov. 14, 2022
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Johnnie R.
5.0 (519)   1,124 jobs posted


Alex continues to provide quality imagery on every job. A pleasure to work with him again and looking forward to the next one.

Oct. 27, 2022
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Drone O.
5.0 (18)   51 jobs posted


Fantastic Pilot. Perfect Deliverables, great communication.

Aug. 8, 2022
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Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot